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Products & Conditions

ReadyCare dysphagia products have been specially formulated to assist healthcare operators with the dietary management of patients with swallowing difficulties. Whether you prefer to thicken beverages from scratch or use pre-thickened beverages, the ReadyCare line offers a variety of products to assist you.


Supplement variety is the key to effective intervention of unintended weight loss. Lyons ReadyCare supplements are available in frozen, shelf stable, and a dry mix format and provide the nutrients needed in every resident’s diet.

Unintended Weight Loss

Variety is the key to promoting beverage consumption for proper hydration. From juice concentrates to ready-to-serve, our shelf stable juices are available in numerous flavors to respond to each of your residents’ preferences.


Proper hydration and adequate dietary fiber are important for bowel management programs. Lyons ReadyCare fiber enriched juices will assist you in providing plenty of fluid and fiber to your residents.

Digestive Health

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